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Announcing Towerborne!

Quattro eroi in armatura si stagliano in primo piano davanti a una torre. Sullo sfondo si vedono un cielo azzurro punteggiato da nuvole e un prato, con pietre ricoperte di muschio e alcune piccole creature che fanno capolino.

Stoic and Xbox are proud to announce Towerborne, a project many years in the making. We can’t wait for players to experience Towerborne—we’re cooking up some opportunities for you all to go hands-on ahead of our eventual release. Here’s everything you need to know so far.

Who is Stoic?

Stoic is focused on creating captivating experiences for our players. We champion an environment that encourages artistry and creativity. From design to programming, to audio, to art, we believe that creating games is best done in this environment. This focus led to the creation of the Banner Saga franchise and this exciting new adventure, Towerborne.

What is Towerborne?

Towerborne is a hope filled, action-adventure game with gorgeous art, varied environments, and intense combat. You play as an Ace, a warrior born anew from the spirit realm with the mission to protect the Belfry, fighting an evil force that looms beyond the walls of our last safe haven. There are three main areas in Towerborne—the Belfry, the World Map, and the Levels you fight your way through. Each has unique features for you to explore.

Towerborne is built with player choice in mind. You can play cooperatively or by yourself, with the ability to change the difficulty at any time. Players will also be able to fully customize their Aces and find weapons and armor that fit their play style. Each weapon set has unique special moves, so test them all to see what you like!

When can I play Towerborne?

Are you interested in being amongst the first players to access preview builds of the game, provide valuable feedback, and get exclusive updates? You can sign up for the Towerborne Insider Program today here. As an Insider, you’ll join a passionate community with a mission to help shape the future of Towerborne. Later this year, an initial group will be selected to play our first Technical Alpha and then our selection group will continue to expand as the program grows.

Where can I learn more?

Want to learn more about Towerborne? Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube! Be sure to also join our Towerborne Discord Server, where you can chat with other fans of Towerborne. See you on the Belfry!